Multiple cost centers for printing or copying chargebacks


Users who need the option of selecting more than one cost center when releasing print or copy jobs to a multi-function device with FollowMe print installed can follow these steps:

  1. Submit a ticket to your local CHC with all the cost centers you want associated with your account.  If you are a supervisor submitting a ticket for multiple users, please list each cost center followed by the users who should have access to it.
  2. Once the ticket is submitted, IT staff will set up your cost centers.
  3. Your local Computer Help Center will follow up and assist in installing a PaperCut application on your computer.
  4. When you release a print or copy job, you will be prompted to choose a cost center.

Please allow 3-5 days for this process.

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Article ID: 6700
Sun 6/12/22 9:23 PM
Mon 8/12/24 10:46 AM