Connect to SpartanWiFi on Windows Based Devices
Type your StarID or Guest Account if you are a visitor
Type your StarID password or Guest Password
You may get an accept a certificate message; go ahead and accept it.
Mac users may get a “trust the certificate” message; go ahead and trust this.
Mac users who have attended an event and used a previous guest account or user/pass in the past may have to delete their profile before reconnecting to the SpartanWiFi. You will know this is the case if you don't get prompted to put in a username/password when trying to connect to the SpartanWiFi. You may need to use your for your username if you are unable to connect.
You can do this by going to settings>WiFi>click the little (i) on the far right of the SpartanWiFi connection>click forget this network. Now you can reconnect, and it should prompt for a username and password.
Android/Chromebooks/Android tablets
Here are the settings that need to be selected before your able to join the network.
SSID: SpartanWiFi
EAP Method: PEAP
Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
CA Certificate (if prompted):Use System Certificates
Minimum TLS Version (if prompted): TLS v1.2
Online Certificate Status: Do not verify
Identity: YourStarID
Anonymous Identity: YourStarID
Password: StarID Password

Accept the certificate if prompted.
Note: The last field you should fill in is the Anonymous Identity, otherwise it may default to blank or Anonymous and you will be unable to connect.
If the above connection settings do not work change the CA Certificate Option to Trust on First Use, you will be prompted to Trust the Network, you may safely connect.

Manual Wireless Connection Settings on Windows Based Devices
1. Click the network icon in the lower-right corner of your screen.
2. Select your network status from the menu that appears.
3. Select Join other... in the lower-left corner.
4. Select Advanced in the lower-left corner.
5. Enter the correct settings for SpartanWifi:
SSID: SpartanWifi
EAP Method: PEAP
Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPv2
Server CA Certificate: Do Not Check
User Certificate: None Installed
Identity: StarID
Password: StarID Password
Anonymous Identity:
6. Click Connect.
Windows 7/8/8.1 or Lower Operating Systems
Windows 7/8 are both end of life and are not supported.
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