StarID Password Has Expired


StarID passwords expire every 180 days. 

If your StarID password expires, you will not be able to access SpartanNet or any of the single sign-on applications within SpartanNet. Logins affected may include D2L, eServices, Outlook and your Office 365 applications.

If your password has expired, it may be reset at StarID Self Service.

Passwords must:

  • Be changed at least every 180 days
  • Contain between 8 and 128 characters 
  • Use at least three of these types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters (!@#$%^&*()_+=-`{}[]|\:";'<>,.?/)

Passwords may not:

  • Have been used before
  • Contain your first name or last name if they are longer than two characters

Need Help Resetting your StarID Password?

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Article ID: 4773
Fri 4/1/22 11:01 AM
Thu 5/16/24 2:47 PM

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