Chromebooks on SpartanWiFi


Follow these steps to connect a Chromebook to the WiFi on campus


  1. Click the Quick Settings Panel on the bottom Right of your screen

  2. Click on "no network"

  3. Select SpartanWiFi
  4. Change the following settings, the rest can be left as they are or blank:

    • EAP Method - PEAP
    • EAP Phase 2 Authentication - MSCHAPv2
    • Server CA certificate - Do Not Check
    • Subject Match - (If applicable)
    • Domain Suffix Match - (If applicable)
    • Identity - Your StarID
    • Password - Your StarID password
  5. Click Save

If you've connected to SpartanWiFi in the past, you will have to delete the saved network before you can reconnect

Please view attached document for a detailed guide to connect to SpartanWiFi on your Chromebook located on the right hand side of the screen under "Attachments"

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Article ID: 10780
Wed 10/26/22 12:46 PM
Wed 11/1/23 4:05 PM